As a small business owner, you need to pay attention to many areas. Your valuable time should be spent on money generating activities. At the same time you also necessitate to have accurate and timely information for business decision making.
We take the hassle out of your bookkeeping and record keeping and document management task and make all the critical information and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) available right on your smart phone, tablet and computer.
Outsourced bookkeeping services based on green paperless technology concept. The service is delivered by well-trained bookkeepers whose work are overseen by Canadian qualified accountants. The service includes all bookkeeping tasks including recording and distribution of income and expenses, bank and credit card reconciliation and much more.
Clients are assigned a bookkeeper who will take care of all their bookkeeping tasks on an ongoing basis. The client can scan the documents using smartphone app provided by TNG. The document can also be scanned and sent through email or uploaded through a secured connection. If the client does not have access to a scanner, they can also fax the documents to their bookkeeper. TNG team will sort the bulk of documents received either through a scan or a fax, into individual document and will attach them with the transactions. The client can destroy the documents if the scan copy of the document they uploaded, complies the readability guidelines set by Canada Revenue Agency. TNG recommends its client to retain the documents, just in case even though they may never need them.
Client’s data is updated on a regular basis by the bookkeeper and the team assigned to the client providing an updated information about the state of their business. This information includes critical information like Cash Balances, amount becoming due, amount collectable from the customers, upcoming tax and other payments, tax and other return due to be filed, etc. All this information can be readily accessed by the client on their smart phones, tablets or computers.
TNG does not believe in hidden charges, therefore the services include software and upgrade costs in the monthly packages. You pay just a fraction may be half or third of what you are paying to conventional bookkeeper and at the same time, you have access to your current data at all times which is impossible with traditional bookkeeping services.
For more details about the pricing, please visit our Pricing page.